A design for a museum kiosk, to give a glimpse of the collection and themes, provide visitor info and even place order and interactively learn more. A kiosk to be installed at transit locations like airports, bus stands, railway stations and metros. Kisok design was created in a open modular format to suit various situations and needs of a traveler in transit conditions.
Museum Kiosk Design
Modular approach
Design from the start was modular. Each module was separately designed catering to specific features. The modules could be combined in various combinations based on feature choice and conditions on site. This approach of separate features per module, provided flexibility, and help scale while also optimizing the cost of production.

Museum Kiosk Features
Features consisted of display of object replicas, posters and digital media. Interactive panels to explore and learn more about current exhibitions, museum timings, permanent collections and further organizational details was made accessible easily.

Transit location and Travelers | Design constraints
Design constraints were identified for the detailing, that were mainly about “transit conditions” – people in rush with trolleys and bags!
- Visitor would be essentially standing >> Design for eye level
- Visitor could have trolley and bags >> Add protection like rails to the kiosk
- Visitors would interact quickly and move on >> Make content snappy and useful
- Create an experience to attract and mark a zone of the kiosk >> Apart from look & feel and content, use non-intrusive spatial elements like an extended roof/and/or ground effects in the immediate area of the kiosk