Heritage Management continuously requires Reports – as Status Reports or Documentation. Reports help institutions to monitor and evaluate archaeological sites towards Heritage Management, making it possible to manage and prioritise Heritage Conservation efforts, including fund allocation and planning.
We have been engaged in creating Site Documentation and Status Reports for Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and Indian Archaeological Society including an ICHR funded project since 2003.

Status Reports | Inventory | Site Dossier | Master Plans | Documentation
Status Report
Status reports essentially document current status of an archaeological site or monument. They highlight the areas of concern, natural or man made, to allow organisations to prioritise and direct their efforts and funds towards preservation needs.
ICHR Funded survey of select Earthquake Affected Monuments of Gujarat
An Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) funded project to create a Status Report for select sites affected by the earthquake of 2001 in Gujarat. The sites were under State Archaeology or unprotected. The report covered over 35 sites in Kutch and Saurashtra, Gujarat.

Archaeological Inventory Report | Site Inventory
An archaeological site comprises of a geographical area with or without human habitation, ruined structures and scattered archaeological artefacts. Most focus goes to main elements – like a temple or a fort gate – smaller artefacts of seemingly lesser value get neglected – like hero stones, structural footprints or sculptural fragments. In course of conservation work the smaller or artefacts of seemingly lesser value either get moved or lost – sometimes buried or piled up as waste debris.
Inventory Reports for sites document all elements of a site treating lesser and smaller elements at par with the obvious bigger and important elements. It is important to realise that sometimes the lesser and smaller elements, the seemingly unimportant elements, reveal a new and important aspect or knowledge so far not known due to neglect.

Inventory of Collections
Institutions in Heritage field over time collect archaeological material. An inventory of objects provides means to evaluate collections for purpose of curatorship, conservation or simply making it accessible for research.

Monument/Site Dossier
Site documentation is generic documentation of a site of structure comprising Photography and/or measured drawing. Documentation reports consists the documentation material presented in a structured manner, including additional data about site and field observations. A site Dossier, additionally collects all known material including archival references, previous published material, plans, drawings and photos into a single reference document.

Master Plans
Certain larger architectural sites or a group of sites require a comprehensive conservation and development approach or strategy. This makes it possible to bring more value by reviving historical relationships and connections between the sites. Master plans require not just historical research, but a practical design catering to distributed ownerships of sites and connecting areas, as also the inclusion of all affected and involved.
Typically for urban sites it involves working out proposals involving various urban departments and urban concerns – traffic, parking, water supply, sewage, electricity and city council. Only the most viable proposal that agrees with the will of all involved would eventually get implemented. The proposal needs to be carefully drafted, catering to the needs of all involved, providing alternative solutions due to the proposed change and demonstrate value.
Bangalore Fort Master Plan Proposal

Architectural and Photographic Documentation | Archaeological Reports
Site documentation comprising Photography or measured drawing, along with site observations are used to create Architectural Survey or Photo-documentation Reports. These include additional data about site and field observations.
Kavaledurga Hill Fort
The first ever measured drawings of the resurrected palace remains of Kavaledurga hill fort. Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Bangalore Circle, restored the partially submerged and ruined structure concealed in the jungle, including some step wells and temples. The measured drawings were done over two trips, an initial planning trip and the second 6 day camping at the site during the conservation work.

Archaeological Sites of Gujarat
An ICHR funded project to create Status Report for select sites affected by the earthquake of 2001 in Gujarat. The sites were under State Archaeology or unprotected. Primarily a Status-Report, it combined measured drawings for sites as yet undocumented, including stepwells, forts, gates, cave structures and temples.